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President Hu congratulates Medvedev on election

(According to Xinhua News Agency) Chinese President Hu Jintao Monday congratulated Dmitry Medvedev on his victory in Russia's presidential election.

    With the joint efforts of both sides, China and Russia have seen in-depth and all-around development in their strategic partnership of coordination, Hu said during a telephone conversation with Medvedev.

    China and Russia have continued to strengthen mutual political trust and made fruitful achievements in pragmatic cooperation, he said, noting the successful national theme years held respectively in the two countries in 2006 and 2007.

    The Chinese government will unswervingly boost the strategic partnership of coordination with Russia on the basis of mutual respect, trust and support, Hu said.

    Hu said he is willing to make concerted efforts with Medvedev to push forward the two countries' strategic partnership of coordination.

    In their telephone conversation, Hu also invited Medvedev to visit China at an early date.

    For his part, Medvedev said Russia and China have continued to make headway in pragmatic cooperation in such fields as trade and economy, as well as conducting significant coordination in international affairs.

    He described Russia-China ties as a key factor in current international relations, saying that to develop the strategic partnership of coordination is the only option for Russia's policy toward China.

    Russia is ready to work closely with China to push their bilateral relations to a new high, said the president-elect.

    Medvedev thanked Hu for his invitation, saying he is looking forward to a visit to China and a meeting with the Chinese president.

    Medvedev, first deputy prime minister of Russian President Vladimir Putin's cabinet, won a landslide victory in Sunday's presidential election.

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